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A Harmonious Blend: Green Experience Center in Luisenpark

Bez+Kock Architekten’s design for the Green Experience Center in Luisenpark redefines the traditional notion of architectural integration within a natural landscape. The seamless fusion of organic shapes and functional spaces creates an immersive environment that celebrates the park’s inherent beauty while providing visitors with a dynamic and engaging experience.

Organic Pavilion Design: Bridging Architecture and Nature

The Green Experience Center eschews traditional building forms in favor of gracefully curved pavilions that harmonize with the park’s surroundings. These single-story structures, adorned with floor-to-ceiling glazed interiors, dissolve the boundary between indoor and outdoor spaces. The elegant curvature of the roofs, supported by delicate columns, complements the natural flow of the landscape, creating a tranquil oasis within the bustling park environment.

Architectural Elements: Elegance and Functionality

Dark green glazed ceramic elements envelop the pavilions, seamlessly blending with the lush foliage of the park. Canopies extend from the roof edges, offering visitors respite from the elements while maintaining uninterrupted views of the surrounding greenery. The design prioritizes both aesthetic elegance and functional efficiency, ensuring that the Green Experience Center serves as a beacon of architectural innovation and environmental stewardship.

Dynamic Integration: A Multi-functional Space

Spanning approximately 120 meters in length and up to 30 meters in width, the curved roof structure serves as a unifying element, connecting various functional areas within the center. From the inviting park restaurant at the south end to the walk-in free-flight aviary and penguin installation, each space is seamlessly integrated into the architectural ensemble. Large sliding doors enable flexible usage, allowing the restaurant to extend outdoors during the warmer months, enhancing the visitor experience.

Immersive Attractions: From Aviaries to Underwater Worlds

The Green Experience Center offers an array of immersive attractions designed to engage visitors of all ages. A walk-in free-flight aviary, spanning 1,300 square meters, provides a captivating environment for bird enthusiasts, while the penguin installation, set against a backdrop of granite and artificial rock, offers a glimpse into the fascinating world of these aquatic birds. Additionally, an underwater world awaits visitors, featuring 21 aquarium tanks showcasing fish from around the globe.

Transformative Impact: A New Identity for Luisenpark

With its distinctive design and immersive attractions, the Green Experience Center has become a focal point of the Luisenpark landscape, offering visitors a unique opportunity to connect with nature and explore the wonders of the natural world. As the centerpiece of the Federal Horticultural Show BUGA 2023, the center embodies the spirit of innovation and sustainability, setting a new standard for architectural integration and environmental stewardship in public spaces.

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