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Haikou Xixiu Park Visitor Center: Blending Tradition and Innovation

In the heart of Haikou, a coastal city renowned for its lush tropical landscapes, stands the Haikou Xixiu Park Visitor Center, a masterpiece by MUDA-Architects. This architectural gem, three years in the making, embodies a harmonious fusion of indigenous cultural heritage and contemporary design principles, nestled amidst the serene greenery and the soothing melodies of nearby waves.

Background and Inspiration

Situated in the southern region of Haikou City, the west coast area has long served as a canvas for showcasing the region’s rich culture and natural beauty. At the entrance of Haikou Xixiu Park, the visitor center emerges as a beacon, seamlessly integrating with the park’s layout while commanding attention as a prominent landmark. Drawing inspiration from Hainan’s coastal culture, MUDA-Architects embarked on a journey to reimagine traditional architectural elements within a modern context.

Form and Facade

The visitor center’s design is a testament to innovation, with its roof mirroring the iconic thatched roofs of local cottages, albeit with a playful twist – they are inverted. This unique design not only provides shade and protection from the elements but also facilitates rainwater harvesting, all while offering visitors an immersive spatial experience. The cascading roof, reminiscent of flowing water, pays homage to the region’s architectural heritage, while the ultra-white glass facade envelops the structure, offering panoramic views of the park from every angle.

Space and Functionality

The architectural composition of the visitor center is a study in balance, seamlessly blending with the surrounding landscape while exuding the vibrancy of the city. The inner courtyard creates a transition between the exterior and interior spaces, inviting visitors to explore further. Inside, a carefully curated sequence of spaces unfolds, from reception halls to exhibition areas, all bathed in natural light filtering through the intricate roof design. Service spaces such as restrooms and administrative areas are discreetly tucked away, ensuring a seamless visitor experience.

Sustainability and Innovation

MUDA-Architects remains committed to environmental stewardship, evident in their use of innovative materials and techniques. Perforated aluminum sunshade louvers adorn the facade, not only adding visual interest but also regulating interior temperatures and reducing energy consumption. The integration of wood-grained aluminum panels on the interior roof establishes a dialogue with the natural surroundings, further enhancing the visitor experience.


The Haikou Xixiu Park Visitor Center is more than just a building; it is a testament to the enduring relationship between tradition and innovation. Through thoughtful design and meticulous attention to detail, MUDA-Architects has created a space that not only honors the region’s cultural heritage but also provides a transformative and immersive experience for visitors. As a symbol of environmental stewardship and architectural excellence, the visitor center stands as a beacon of inspiration for future generations.

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