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Designing for Sustainability: Green&Protein Podgorica Food and Drinks by Maden Group

Designing for Sustainability: Green&Protein Podgorica Food and Drinks by Maden Group

In today’s world, sustainability has become an increasingly prominent concern, especially within the realm of interior design. Recognizing the importance of environmental stewardship, the architects at Maden Group drew inspiration from this ethos to shape the interior design of the Green&Protein Podgorica Food and Drinks project.

Embracing Sustainability

At the heart of the project’s interior design lies a commitment to sustainability. Given that Green&Protein is synonymous with promoting healthy food and drinks, the architects sought to reflect this ethos in the physical environment. Recycled cardboard tubes formed a central element of the design, serving both functional and aesthetic purposes, from creating walls to crafting the bar area.

Creating a Healthy Environment

The design ethos extended beyond mere aesthetics to foster a healthy and invigorating atmosphere. Green hues dominated the palette, evoking a sense of tranquility and vitality conducive to a productive working environment. Complemented by tiled accents, the green color scheme imbued the space with a sense of freshness and rejuvenation. Moreover, the strategic integration of vegetation further enhanced the ambiance, contributing to improved air quality and a connection with nature.

A Holistic Approach

In essence, the design of Green&Protein Podgorica Food and Drinks represents a holistic approach to interior architecture. Beyond aesthetics, the project embodies a commitment to sustainability, health, and well-being. By seamlessly integrating recycled materials, soothing color palettes, and biophilic elements, Maden Group has succeeded in creating a welcoming and environmentally conscious space that reflects the values of the Green&Protein franchise.


The culmination of these efforts is a space that not only delights the senses but also serves as a testament to the potential of design to promote sustainability and well-being. As patrons step into Green&Protein Podgorica Food and Drinks, they are greeted by an environment that nourishes both body and soul, embodying a vision of sustainability in action.

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