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Redefining Office Spaces: The Metaverse Workpod by Design Studio BYO

Shifting Work Dynamics

The past two years have witnessed a significant shift in office environments and work practices, largely influenced by the global pandemic. With the rise of telecommuting, companies have embraced flexible work arrangements, allowing employees to choose between office-based or remote work settings. While some have found solace in the convenience of working from home, others seek a more efficient and focused workspace away from domestic distractions.

Introducing the “SOMAPOD”

Recognizing the need for a conducive yet accessible workspace, Design Studio BYO embarked on a project to create the “SOMAPOD” – a personalized, IoT-equipped work pod designed to enhance productivity and comfort. Developed as part of the “SOMA” offline service space within the metaverse virtual office by Zigbang, the SOMAPOD offers a sanctuary for individuals seeking privacy and concentration amidst the bustling digital realm.

Design Features

Each SOMAPOD is meticulously designed to prioritize personal privacy and comfort. Equipped with IoT-enabled features, including lighting control systems and ventilation facilities, these pods ensure optimal working conditions tailored to individual preferences. The incorporation of noise-blocking structures and adjustable lighting fosters a conducive environment for prolonged focus and productivity.

Nature-Inspired Elements

To counteract the potential drawbacks of enclosed workspaces, Design Studio BYO introduced nature-inspired elements within the SOMAPOD. Glass fronts provide panoramic views of the surrounding environment, while plant gardens inside the pods offer a connection to nature throughout the seasons. Additionally, strategically placed greenery within the office corridor enhances the ambiance, promoting relaxation and well-being.

Innovative Solutions

In a bold experiment to enhance the office environment further, shared spaces and individual pods were strategically positioned by windows to maximize natural light and scenic views. The introduction of virtual digital windows within windowless areas offers immersive visual experiences, transporting users to various times and spaces, further enhancing the overall work environment.


The Metaverse Workpod by Design Studio BYO represents a paradigm shift in office design, catering to the evolving needs of modern workers in the digital age. By seamlessly blending technological innovation with biophilic design principles, the SOMAPOD offers a harmonious balance between productivity, comfort, and connection to the natural world, redefining the concept of the contemporary workspace.

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