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Shaul Park: Restoring a Historical Gem

BO Landscape Architecture embarks on a journey to revive the legacy of Shaul Park, breathing new life into a cherished landmark steeped in history. Inspired by the visionary designs of landscape architect Moshe Kvashni, our team endeavors to honor the park’s rich heritage while infusing it with contemporary vitality.

A Legacy Reimagined

Originally conceived as one of the summit gardens envisioned by architect Richard Kauffmann in 1922, Shaul Park has long been regarded as a green oasis within the city of Ramat Gan. Designed in the late 1930s by city engineer Rafael Megiddo and landscape architect Moshe Kvashni, the park encapsulated the ethos of its time, serving as a testament to the harmonious integration of nature and urbanity.

Preserving the Past, Embracing the Future

In our quest to breathe new life into Shaul Park, we embarked on a meticulous journey of preservation and renewal. Drawing upon historical documentation and site walk-throughs, we meticulously mapped the park’s remaining components, from trees and pathways to stone walls and pavements. Guided by Kvashni’s original vision of the garden as a place of discovery and tranquility, we sought to retain the essence of the park while introducing thoughtful interventions to enhance the visitor experience.

Revitalizing the Landscape

The renovation unfolds in three distinct stages, each aimed at revitalizing different aspects of the park. The first phase, now open to the public, encompasses the upper southwest corner of the hill, featuring the historical entrance, lawns, and the reconstruction of the iconic fishpond. Careful attention has been paid to preserving succulents and trees, ensuring continuity with the park’s original landscape.

Crafting Immersive Experiences

As we progress with the renovation, our focus shifts towards enhancing recreational amenities, including playground facilities and outdoor exercise areas. By seamlessly integrating these features into the park’s natural landscape, we aim to create immersive experiences that cater to visitors of all ages and interests.

Embracing Sustainability and Safety

At the heart of our design philosophy lies a commitment to sustainability and safety. We have carefully selected native plant species and incorporated water purification systems to enhance ecological resilience. Meanwhile, stringent safety measures, including the integration of steel details in railings and gazebos, ensure a secure environment for visitors to enjoy.

A Vision for the Future

As the renovation of Shaul Park nears completion, we remain steadfast in our commitment to preserving its historical legacy while embracing the possibilities of the future. With its renewed vitality and timeless charm, we envision Shaul Park reclaiming its rightful place as a vibrant hub of community life in Ramat Gan—a testament to the enduring power of thoughtful design and collective stewardship.

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