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Archi Newsline > News > Residential > The Innovative Design of Dante House by Bloco Arquitetos

The Innovative Design of Dante House by Bloco Arquitetos

The Dante House, designed by Bloco Arquitetos, is a striking example of modern residential architecture. This home, characterized by its “L” shaped floor plan and thoughtful integration with the natural landscape, blends openness with privacy and showcases innovative structural design.

Layout and Privacy

The layout of Dante House is organized into an “L” shape, which strategically balances openness and privacy. The internal facades facing the living room and bedrooms are predominantly transparent, maximizing natural light and offering views of the interior garden. In contrast, the facades facing the perimeter and street are more closed off, ensuring privacy and security for the residents.

Adapting to the Natural Slope

The plot on which Dante House is built features a natural slope of 130cm between its side boundaries. By leveling the ground floor with the midpoint of this slope, the architects achieved a design where the house is partially embedded into the land on one side and slightly elevated on the other. This clever adaptation not only harmonizes the building with its environment but also creates a unique spatial experience for its occupants.

Structural and Design Elements

A key feature of Dante House is its exposed concrete roof, constructed from a series of five parallel beams. The three central beams are suspended under three inverted transverse beams, creating a robust structural system. This assembly supports slabs at varying levels above the social and service areas, facilitating natural light and ventilation throughout the house. The design also includes a corridor leading to the bedrooms, illuminated by a large skylight, enhancing the sense of openness and connection to the outdoors.


Dante House by Bloco Arquitetos exemplifies innovative architectural design that thoughtfully integrates with its natural surroundings. The combination of an “L” shaped layout, strategic use of transparency and privacy, and a unique structural system results in a home that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. This project highlights the potential of modern architecture to create living spaces that are in harmony with their environment while meeting the needs of their residents.

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