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Fostering Animal Well-being: The Immersive Vivarium at Animália Biopark

A Gateway to Fauna Preservation

Situated within the sprawling expanse of the São Paulo metropolitan region, the Immersive Vivarium at Animália Biopark, crafted by AM2 ARQUITETURA, stands as a testament to the symbiotic relationship between architecture and animal well-being. Rooted in the ethos of fostering community engagement and conservation, this project is an integral component of the larger “Animália Park” bio-park in Cotia.

Embracing Immersion

At its core, the Immersive Vivarium seeks to offer visitors a transformative experience, blurring the boundaries between human and animal habitats. By meticulously replicating natural ecosystems, this enclosure allows for direct interaction with animals while ensuring their comfort and safety amidst human circulation.

Environmental Enrichment

The project prioritizes environmental enrichment, leveraging natural substrates, indigenous vegetation, tranquil water ponds, and scenic waterfalls to recreate the diverse habitats of its inhabitants. This attention to detail creates an immersive environment that stimulates both the senses of visitors and the well-being of the animals.

Pathways of Discovery

A linear pathway winds through the vivarium, serving as both a conduit for exploration and a sanctuary for sensory experiences. Elevated walkways afford visitors panoramic views, while strategically placed resting points invite moments of contemplation amidst the natural splendor.

Sustainable Design Integration

The architectural framework seamlessly integrates with the surrounding landscape, preserving the site’s original topography and fostering harmony between built and natural environments. With a keen focus on sustainability, the design maximizes natural light and ventilation, ensuring a habitat conducive to the flourishing of its inhabitants.

Collaboration and Innovation

Architect Alessandro Malara emphasizes the collaborative spirit that underpins the project’s success, citing the seamless exchange of expertise and insights among professionals and technicians. This collective effort has resulted in an intricately detailed ecosystem that sets a new standard for immersive animal habitats.


In the Immersive Vivarium at Animália Biopark, architecture transcends its traditional boundaries to become a catalyst for conservation and animal welfare. As visitors engage with the rich tapestry of flora and fauna, they not only gain a deeper appreciation for biodiversity but also become stewards of a sustainable future.

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