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Archi Newsline > News > Hospitality > Unveiling NOT A HOTEL ANYWHERE by DDAA


Situated in Miyazaki, Japan, NOT A HOTEL ANYWHERE is a pioneering project conceived by DDAA that challenges conventional notions of living spaces. Eschewing fixed locations, this experimental endeavor reimagines mobility and independence through vintage trailers transformed into multifunctional habitats.

Redefining Living Spaces

At the heart of NOT A HOTEL ANYWHERE lies the ambition to offer a dynamic and adaptable lifestyle beyond the confines of traditional homes. DDAA embarked on this venture in response to the client’s quest for a more versatile and nomadic way of living. The project’s core concept revolves around the creation of five distinct vehicles, each tailored to fulfill a specific function such as a bedroom or study, allowing occupants to curate their living experience according to their needs.

Blending Functionality with Mobility

Crafted from refurbished Spartan and Airstream trailers, these mobile dwellings seamlessly integrate essential amenities while retaining their mobility. To optimize functionality without compromising mobility, DDAA strategically positioned functional components within the lower parts of the trailers, ensuring unobstructed views from the windows. The exterior aesthetics retain the vintage charm of the trailers, with minimal alterations to preserve their original texture.

Embracing Cultural Heritage

Incorporating elements of Japanese culture, NOT A HOTEL ANYWHERE features a unique addition: a sunakku, reminiscent of the lively hostess bars popular during the Showa era. This nod to tradition reflects the client’s desire to honor Japan’s rich cultural heritage while offering a vibrant social space within the mobile habitat.

Overcoming Design Challenges

Designing for mobility presented several challenges, including concealing structural elements like wheelhouses and optimizing infrastructure for off-grid living. DDAA ingeniously camouflaged these components within the living spaces, ensuring seamless integration while maintaining structural integrity.

Pioneering Off-Grid Living

To enable off-grid capabilities without sacrificing convenience, the project leverages existing infrastructure while retaining the flexibility to connect temporarily to public utilities. This innovative approach allows occupants to enjoy a self-sufficient lifestyle while preserving the mobility and freedom inherent in the project’s ethos.

In essence, NOT A HOTEL ANYWHERE embodies a bold vision of modern living, where mobility, functionality, and cultural heritage converge to create an unparalleled experience of freedom and exploration.

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